Nose aesthetic surgery is the most performed among all facial aesthetic surgeries. The nose is the main anatomical structure for us to breathe.


Rhinoplasty is to correct the deformity of the nose. It is possible to perform the correction (deviation) surgery of bone curvatures that prevent breathing in the nose. In rhinoplasty, which is mostly known as reducing or shaping the nose, sometimes it is also aimed to enlarge the nose.

In rhinoplasty, we can make changes in nose size, reducing the nose width, removing the nose hump, lifting the nose tip, reshaping the nostrils, straightening the deviated septum, eliminating nasal breathing problem

Before meeting with your doctor, it will be useful to identify all your problems with your nose. Specifying whether you are breathing, runny nose, post-nasal drip and headache will make it possible to solve these problems with this surgery. Be sure to discuss your nose shape problems and what can and cannot be fixed with your doctor. The affordability of your post-operative expectations will be expressed by your doctor. The way to get rid of post-operative disappointment is possible by making good use of this period. Behaving with your doctor in this surgery will relieve both you and your doctor. Collaboration will turn your entire surgery period into an enjoyable pursuit.  Different expectations will bring you face to face with your doctor at the very beginning of the road. While very large defects can be corrected with a simple surgical procedure for you, a very small detail can sometimes only be corrected with a difficult surgery. The best should be remembered as the enemy of the good.



Nose aesthetic surgeries are the most performed aesthetic surgeries in the world.The operation time usually does not exceed 2-3 hours. However, in special cases (revision rhinoplasty), this period may be longer. Your doctor will determine whether this surgery will be performed with an open or closed technique. You will wake up with a special tampon that will not prevent you from breathing in the nose and a tiny plaster covering the outside of the nose. Post-surgery is usually not as painful as feared. With simple painkillers, this period will pass quite comfortably. Postoperative bruising and swelling are much less common than previous surgical techniques.  However, applying cold for 5 minutes per hour, for the first 24 hours, to the root of the nose and under the eyes, will reduce these swelling and bruises faster. After 6 days, your nasal packing and plaster will be removed and your breathing will return to normal. After the plaster is removed, your nose will be taped again and these tapes will remain on your nose for about 7 days. After your cast is removed, your doctor will show you the nasal massage. In this way, your payment will decrease faster. Again, with the nasal washing application that you will do after the surgery, you will get rid of the post-operative drying and crusting problems in your nose.